
It’s Ok To Not Be Ok

It’s Ok To Not Be Ok A Mental Health Documentary from Cork A group of women discuss and share what mental health means to them, both on an individual and a cultural level, the importance of naming what you are dealing with, how they gauge their own mental health and what tips and steps they

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Chats With Elena Canty

Chats with Elena Canty A podcast series presented by Irish Wheelchair Association Chats with Elena Canty’ is a 4 part podcast series brought to you by Irish Wheelchair Association Ability Programme and co-sponsored by EQUAL Ireland.  Each episode is an opportunity to get up close and personal with Corkonian, Elena Canty while understanding the value

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Photo with Logos of Good Day Cork MamaBear Foods Orla McAndrew Catering Ode To Earth - Text reads Kitchen Stories - An audio documentary by Good Day Cork.

‘Kitchen Stories’ released

 Good Day Cork marks World Day of Tea & World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development with the release of an audio documentary –  ‘Kitchen Stories’. Our  audio documentary ‘Kitchen Stories’ showcases the vibrant food culture in Ireland through the stories and experiences of how people cook and eat in their homes. Each

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