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Good Day Cork gathers stories to build a kind world. Notes To Cork works its magic to build positive spaces through their Public Inspiration Panels or PiPs initiative.
We’re so thrilled to work with the generous & creative team of Notes to Cork to bring you a smile through a billboard near you.
In the coming months, you will regularly find a mood boosting note to #CorkLike on Maylor St, Summer Hill & somewhere where the fairy dust will fall.
This special mission is also made possible with support from our friends at Print Shark.
More about this positive mission
When we first saw those endearing Notes To Cork in the very first lock down – remember that – we were delighted to know that our Rebel City has more carers than we thought. Notes To Cork have stepped into their carer role with grace and ease.
And so, when they simply said, “Collab soon?” To say we jumped in glee would be an understatement – more like sprung..leaped!
When we ‘Zoomed’ with Al Dalton – it was our first time meeting each other but one wouldn’t have thought so. Al is a gem of Cork & head of Notes to Cork a creative design studio and a third-generation family business – which was formerly Poster Displays Ltd. Al explained he saw their 200+ billboards during the lockdown and wanted “to convert them to positive spaces” for the people. Music to our ears. It’s a soul-match, wouldn’t you agree?!
About Notes to Cork’s Public Inspiration Panels or PiPs initiative
Once a month, Notes To Cork is committed to inspiring the people of Cork and has transformed some of their advertising billboards from ‘Public Information Panels’, as they would traditionally be known, into ‘Public Inspiration Panels’ more affectionately known as ‘PiPs’.
The PiPs are spaces where optimism can be transformed into action, inspiration can out trump information and where the pip of a story can encourage positivity and community connection.
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