A Verse City

by Margaret O'Reagan

It started with a tingling,
Building up the tension,
Spurring me to seek out
– A secret hideout.
Looking for a place
To suitably mate,
I passed through a gate
To survey my estate.
It took me some time,
Then I spotted a stile,
Ventured further inside
This outdoor site.
Then my eye was drawn
To a tree trunk so tall,
With high branches wide,
And lush growth to recline.
Then I spied
A completely plush design,
An erotic rest,
Lovebirds nest.

©Margaret O’Regan



As I sit on the lawn,

I see your sinuous form,

Sashaying – hips swaying –

While you stroll my way.

I know you don’t know me,

But a tale I’ve woven

Has me plucking your form

To inhabit my dream dorm.

To capture your essence,

And have your indoor presence,

To unveil and reveal

Your erotic appeal.

Your rippling muscles

Cause my knees to buckle,

As my eyes explore

Sexualising for more.

Your dexterous hands

Play havoc with my glands

Releasing hormonal flushes

Emitting rapid-fire gushes.

I wonder if you sense,

As you pass by my fence,

What fantasies you’ve emboldened,

What scenarios you’ve enfolded.

©Margaret O’Regan.




If I could envelop you in my arms

And wrap you tight around me.

If I could shoulder half your cares

And catch your troubles unawares.


If I could soothe your troubled brow

And clasp you to my breast.

If I could whisper in your ear

And say how dear you are to me.


If I could gaze right at you

And see the toll life’s taken.

If I could gently stroke your face

And brush your cares away.


If I could then let you relax

And lean on me and feel content.

If I could be the warmth you need

And keep you near me to relieve.


If only for COVID-19

And social distancing, you see,

We could, of course, do all of these,

But now, restricted, we must see.


On the telephone of course

Discourse too must take a place,

And written words instead of hugs

In this virtual virus world of ours.


Until this plague is gone,

We’ll nurture and care from afar,

But, rest assured, love will endure,

Post COVID that’s for sure.

©Margaret O’Regan

About Margaret O'Regan

Margaret O’Regan is a retired Law Clerk, a life-long socialist activist, and is a co-host of DeBarra’s Spoken Word, Clonakilty, now virtual. She is also a member of Ó bheal, Cork City. She is a regular reader on ‘open mic’ nights in Ireland, the UK and the US. Margaret’s work covers a broad spectrum of life experience from erotic poems to those that address social injustice.