Just can't thank you enough

by Joanna Dukkipati, founder Good Day Cork

Good Day Cork Thank you fundraiser Shiva R Joyce

Dearest friend,

I cannot express how grateful I am for your generosity to Good Day Cork in the fundraiser hosted by Shiva R. Joyce. It feels like a soft ice-cream cone on a really hot day. The cool sensation that washes over you because the ice cream soothes all the troubles.

Shiva has our back with infectious passion and your unconditional donation proves, that the world is kind.

Your generous donation is going to help Good Day Cork create narrative changing media the right way. For me, the right way simply means to truly honour people for their time and skills. It has been a huge challenge to ask writers and editors to do what they love to do for very little. Their commitment inspires my integrity. … the integrity of Good Day Cork.

This successful fundraiser is a symbol of your trust in my commitment to Good Day Cork. Your trust is a badge of honour for me. Your trust fuels my motivation. Your trust adds value to Good Day Cork.

Good Day Cork is about to enter its fourth year, and this couldn’t be more timely. It keeps the momentum going to reimagine how media connects us to each other, to break the bias, to challenge, to unpick structures that don’t offer equity.

So, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ll help Good Day Cork achieve this year.

Have a good day, buddy!

Now jump in to the Voice Out series